NOTE: Updated February 2024 with improvements and new guidance.

In the last year, I’ve started from scratch writing SystemVerilog for hardware design. Coming from a software background where I was mainly using C/C++ and Python, it has been interesting to experience the contrasting philosophy and mindset associated with using a language to describe hardware circuits. Much of this is because SystemVerilog provides little abstraction of hardware structures, and only through disciplined/idiomatic use, can efficient designs be implemented. A compounding issue is that complex hardware designs rely on a complex ecosystem of proprietary tooling.

As I see it, there are three aspects to writing synthesizable SystemVerilog code: the particular features of the language to use, the style and idioms employed in using those features, and the tooling support for a design. Good coding style can help achieve better results in synthesis and simulation, as well as producing code that contains less errors and is understandable, reusable, and easily modifiable. Many of the observations in this note relate to coding style. The next sections give some context around the use of SystemVerilog in digital design, or you can skip ahead to the guidance.

The SystemVerilog language

SystemVerilog (which subsumed Verilog as of the 2009 standardisation) is a unified language, serving distinct purposes of modern hardware design. These can be enumerated as:

  • Circuit design/specification at different levels of abstraction:
    • Behavioural.
    • Structural/register-transfer level (RTL).
    • Gate.
    • Switch/transistor.
  • Testbench-based verification.
  • Specification of formal properties.
  • Specification of functional coverage.

SystemVerilog provides specific features to serve each of these purposes. For circuit specification, each level of abstraction uses a different language subset, generally with fewer features at lower levels. Behavioural design uses the procedural features of SystemVerilog (with little regard for the structural realisation of the circuit). RTL design specifies a circuit in terms of data flow through registers and logical operations. Gate- and switch-level design use only primitive operations. Typical modern hardware design uses a mix of register-transfer- and gate-level design.

It is interesting to note that the SystemVerilog specification does not specify which features are synthesizable; that depends on the tooling used.


There is a variety of standard tooling that is used with SystemVerilog, and indeed other hardware description languages (HDLs). This includes simulation, formal analysis/model checking, formal equivalence checking, coverage analysis, synthesis and physical layout, known collectively as electronic design automation tools (EDA). Since standard EDA tooling is developed and maintained as proprietary and closed-source software by companies like Cadence, Synopsys and Mentor, the tooling options are multiplied.

In contrast with the open-source software ecosystems of programming languages (for example), closed-source EDA tools do not benefit from the scale and momentum of open projects, in the way that conventional software languages do, with a one (or perhaps two) compilers and associated tooling such as debuggers and program analysers. Such a fragmented ecosystem inevitably has a larger variability in precisely how features of SystemVerilog language are implemented and which features are not supported, particularly since there is no standard synthesizable subset. Consequently, engineers using SystemVerilog/HDLs with proprietary EDA tools do so conservatively, sticking to a lowest common denominator of the language features (within their chosen synthesizable subset), to ensure compatibility and good results.


This note records rules, conventions and guidance for writing SystemVerilog approaches that I have been observed to interact well with the supporting tooling and to encourage good coding style and produce good synthesis results. I owe many of these insights to the guidance of my colleagues.

This note assumes familiarity with SystemVerilog. As such it is not a comprehensive guide to programming practices. Some of the references at the end will serve those purposes better. The remainder is organised in the following sections:


logic should be used to declare point-to-point nets, variables and ports. This is because logic is checked at compile time for multiple drivers. Note that variables are entities driven by procedural assignments (in always blocks), whereas nets occur in any other forms of assignment (continuous, primitive outputs and module ports). An exception to this is when integrating external IP that uses wire types where some sparing use of the wire type may be required for consistency.1

Multiply-driven nets should be declared using wire. This is because wire data types permit multiple drivers.

Combined logic declarations and assignment statements are not allowed. The behaviour of these is to assign a value at time 0, which is not synthesizable. Continuous assignment after time 0, which is the typical intention, requires a separate assignment. Note that a combined assignment with a wire declaration behaves differently and is equivalent to a separate continuous assignment.

// Assignment of a logic net at time 0, not allowed.
logic [31:0] data = 32'b0;

// Correct way to continuously drive a logic net.
logic [31:0] data;
assign data = 32'b0;

// Wire declarations can use an initial value to specify a continuous
// assignment.
wire value = 0;

// Same behaviour as above declaration.
wire value;
assign value = 0;

Structures and unions must always be fully packed. This applies to their members recursively. For example:

typedef struct packed { // Packed structure.
  valid_t             valid;
  logic [p_width-1:0] data; // Packed array.
  logic               parity;
} bus_t;

Always blocks

The always_ff, always_latch and always_comb constructs should be used instead of the old-style always statement since they provide extra compile-time checking.2


Use always_comb instead of always for combinatorial logic. The always_comb statement allows tools to check that it does not contain any latched state and that no other processes assign to variables appearing on the left-hand side. (It’s worth checking the LRM for details of of the other differences.) The use of an always_comb block is also a much clearer indication of a combinatorial block that the use of = as opposed to <=.

Always provide an initial value. A latch will be inferred if there exists a control-flow path in which a value of a signal is not set. Since always_comb specifically precludes the creation of latches, doing so will cause a warning or error in simulation or synthesis. For example, the following code implies a latch since there is no assignment to foo when the condition is not true.

always_comb begin
  if (condition) begin
    foo = 1'b1;

To prevent this, always provide an initial value as the first line of a block:

always_comb begin
  foo = 1'b0;
  if (condition) begin
    foo = 1'b1;

Avoid reading and writing a signal in an always_comb block. Avoid reading and writing a signal in an always_comb block. The sensitivity list only includes variables that are read in expressions or functions and it excludes variables that are also written to. According to these restrictions, a variable that is read and written in a block is excluded from the sensitivity list, and activation of the block will be dependent on other variables. However, this style can cause some tools to warn of a simulation-synthesis mismatch (presumably because they apply conservative rules from older versions of the language standard).

In the following code, the block is triggered only when the the right-hand-side foo changes, rather than entering a feedback loop where it shifts continuously:

always_comb begin
  foo = foo << 1;

To avoid reading and writing foo in the same block and possible warnings from tools, a new signal can be introduced:

always_comb begin
  next_foo = foo << 1;

Where possible extract logic into assign statements. Extract single assignments to a variable into a separate assign statement, where it is possible to do so. This approach uses the features of SystemVerilog consistently, rather than using two mechanisms to achieve the same effect. This makes it clear that an always_comb is used to introduce sequentiality. Another opportunity to move logic into separate assign statements is with complex expressions, such as the Boolean value for a conditional statement. Doing this makes the control flow structure clearer, potentially provide opportunities for reuse, and provides a separate signal when inspecting the signals in a waveform viewer.

Avoid unnecessary sequentiality. It is easy to add statements to an always_comb to expand its behaviour, but this should only be done when there are true sequential dependencies between statements in the block. In general, parallelism should be exposed where ever possible. In the the following example, the sequentiality is not necessary since the output set_foo depends independently on the various conditions:

always_comb begin
  set_foo = 1'b0;
  if (signal_a &&
      signal_b) begin
    set_foo = 1'b1;
  if (signal_c ||
      signal_d) begin
    set_foo = 1'b1;
  if (signal_e) begin
    set_foo = 1'b1;

Clearly the sequencing of the conditions is not necessary, so the block could be transformed to separate the logic for each condition into separate parallel processes (extracting into assign statements as per the rule above) and explicitly combine them with the implied logical disjunction of the original block:

assign condition_a = signal_a && signal_b;
assign condition_b = signal_c || signal_d;
always_comb begin
  set_foo = 1'b0;
  if (condition_a ||
      condition_b ||
      signal_e) begin
    set_foo = 1'b1;

It is recommended by the author of Verilator to split up always blocks (combinatorial or sequential) so they contain as few statements as possible. This allows Verilator the most freedom to order the code to improve execution performance. Presumably, this provides similar freedoms to other simulators.

Drive one signal per block. With complex control flow statements, it is tempting to use a single always_comb block to drive multiple signals. In some circumstances, there may be good reasons to do this, such as when many output signals are used in a similar way, but in the general case, splitting each signal into a separate block makes it clear what logic involved in driving that signal, and as such, facilitates further simplification.

An additional reason to avoid driving multiple signals per always_comb block is that Verilator can infer a dependence between two signals, leading to false circular combinatorial loops. In these cases, it issues an UPOPTFLAT warning and cannot optimise the path, leading to reduced emulation performance. Generally, fixing warnings pertaining to unoptimisable constructs can improve Verilator’s simulation performance by up to a factor of two.

The process:

always_comb begin
  foo = foo_q;
  bar = bar_q;
  if (condition_a)
    case (condition_b)
      0: begin
        foo = ...;
        if (condition_c) begin
          bar = ...;
      1: foo = ...;
      2: bar = ...;

Can be written as two independent processes:

always_comb begin
  foo = foo_q;
  if (condition_a)
    case (condition_b)
      0: foo = ...;
      1: foo = ...;

always_comb begin
  bar = bar_q;
  if (condition_a)
    case (condition_b)
      0: if (condition_b) begin
           bar = ...;
      2: bar = ...;


Use always_ff instead of always for sequential logic. Similarly to always_comb, use of always_ff permits tools to check that the procedure only contains sequential logic behaviour (no timing controls and only one event control) that variables on the left-hand side are not written to by any other process, and makes clear the intent for sequential logic behaviour with non-blocking assignments, <=.

Avoid adding logic to non-blocking assignments. This is primarily a matter of taste, but having non-blocking assignments in always_ff blocks only from a logic signal name, rather than a logical expression, keeps the block simple and limits combinatorial logic to always_comb blocks and assign statements elsewhere in the module. Since synthesizable always_ffs are additionally restricted in that variables assigned to must have a reset condition of a constant value, maintaining this clarity aids the designer. Having separate combinatorial blocks is also useful since it allows the logic signal driving a flip-flop as well as the registered value to be apparent in a waveform viewer, particularly when clock gates are used.

A typical pattern when implementing combinatorial logic and registers is to define the set and clear conditions in an always_comb and register the value in an accompanying always_ff, for example:

logic bit;
logic bit_q;

always_comb begin
  bit <= bit_q;
  if (set_condition) begin
    bit = 1'b1;
  if (clear_condition) begin
    bit = 1'b0;

always_ff @(posedge i_clk or posedge i_rst) begin
  if (i_rst) begin
    bit_q <= 1'b0;
  end else begin
    bit_q <= bit;

Registers should always be reset to a constant value. Without being reset, a flip flop will drive X on its output, which can lead to simulation-versus-synthesis mismatches, potentially obscuring bugs. Having registers initialised with a defined value precludes these kinds of mismatches. In the above example, bit_q is correctly initialised to 0.

Avoid using synchronous-reset registers. These type of flip flops are not typically used because there are circumstances when a clock is not available and reset-to-clock paths are not timed in the physical implementation. In cases where area and power are constrained, non-reset flip flops can instead be deployed for better savings.

In certain circumstances when it is appropriate to use synchronous-reset registers, then avoid mixing synchronous and asynchronous reset signals. A reset signal (eg i_rst) should not be used as a synchronous reset for one set of registers and an asynchronous reset for another set. This is because the resets must be controlled differently by DFT control logic, and use of a single signal may obscure the designer intent.

Avoid using non-reset registers. To avoid issues with X values in a design as far as possible, non-reset registers should only be used when specifically required to save area and power, such as for the storage elements of a register file. In certain circumstances when it is appropriate to use non-reset registers, then define non-reset registers in a separate always_ff block. For example:

// A non-reset register.
always_ff @(posedge i_clk) begin
  bit_q <= bit;

When non-reset registers are used, a separate form of reset must be provided. In the example of a register file, a broadcast write could be used to initialise the contents to a known state.

Control flow

If statements

Avoid mixing block control flow with Boolean expressions. This is because it make it harder for structural coverage analysis tools to break down complex conditions into manageable sub terms, or even that analysis will ignore important conditional context of expressions.

// Replace mixed block control flow and boolean expressions:
if (enabled) begin
  flag = x && y;
  if (flag) begin
    out = a;

// With a pure control flow approach:
if (enabled) begin
  if (x && y) begin
    out = a;

// Or even better collapsed into a single Boolean expression:
if (enable && x && y) begin
  out = a;

Use if-else-if statements to implement priority encoders. Although a priority case statement can be used to do this, it is easier for designers to recognise a priority encoder when it is written as an if-else-if statement. For example:

// Replace an unqualified case:
case (1'b1)
  hold: output = a;
  error: output = b;

// With an if-else statement:
if (hold) begin
  output = a;
end else if (error) begin
  output = b;

Do not use qualifiers with if-else-if statements. The default behaviour of if statements is that of priority, meaning that one condition is matched, the conditions are evaluated in sequence and only the body of the first matching condition is evaluated. For unique and unique0 variants of if statements (one or no matching conditions, which can be evaluated in parallel), use a unique-qualified case statement instead. For example:

// Replace a unique if:
unique if (ctrl == 2'b01) begin
  output = a;
end else if (ctrl == 2'b10) begin
  output = b;
end else begin
  output = c;

// With a unique case:
unique case (ctrl)
  2'b01:   output = a;
  2'b10:   output = b;
  default: output = c;

Note that if statements are X-optimistic in that a condition that evaluates to an X is treated as if it were a zero. This behaviour has drawbacks and benefits, but should be carefully considered since it can be a cause of divergence in behaviour between simulation and synthesis. In contrast, case statements do not select conditions with an input X value.

Case statements

All case statements should include a qualifier for additional checking and guidance to synthesis. The qualifiers are:

  • unique to specify that all valid conditions have been listed, exactly one condition will always match and the conditions can be evaluated in parallel. A violation is reported in a given cycle if no case conditions match or more than one case condition is matched.

  • priority to specify that all valid conditions have been listed, that they are evaluated in sequence and only the body of the first matching case is evaluated. A violation is only reported if no case conditions match in a given cycle.

The behaviour of an unqualified case statement is that of priority, but without the requirement for any case item expressions to match and the corresponding violation check. Because case statements are typically used to represent parallel choices, an unqualified case does not clearly indicate whether the designer has intended the case be priority or parallel. Adding a qualifier makes this explicit (leading to the right synthesis result) and adds checking.

It is important to have checking of case behaviour: if a violation is reported during simulation, then this indicates a mismatch between the behaviour of simulation and synthesis, which means the synthesized design will not necessarily be the same as the RTL design being simulated, thereby invalidating the verification.

Note that if a case condition contains a list of expressions, it is not a violation of uniqueness if more than one expression matches since they are selecting the same statement.

Do not use unique0 as a case qualifier. Despite this qualifier being in the SystemVerilog LRM for more than a decade, tool support for unique0 is patchy and sometimes absent. This suggests that adoption of unique0 is low, so the EDA companies have not needed to support it comprehensively. As such, unique0 should not be used, and instead a unique case with an empty default should be used, for example:

// Replace a unique0 case:
unique0 case (1'b1)
  1'b0: output = a;
  1'b1: output = b;

// With a unique case and empty default:
unique case (1'b1)
  1'b0: output = a;
  1'b1: output = b;
  default: ; // Empty default disables the no-matching-condition violation
             // check, making the unique case statement behave like a unique0
             // case.

If in doubt, use priority case with a default. If a designer is not completely sure whether the case conditions are always matches and/or are parallel, then they should use a priority case with a default. This way, the logic simulated results will always match the synthesized logic.

The Synopsys full_case/parallel_case compiler directives should not be used. Instead, use either the unique or priority qualifiers, as shown in the table below:

SystemVerilog construct Approximate Synopsys pragma equivalent
unique case without default full_case and parallel_case
priority case without default full_case
unique case with default parallel_case
priority case with default No equivalent

The use of defaults in case statements should be used sparingly since they can obscure designer intent, prevent violation checks from being performed and change synthesis results.

Note that default conditions are matched only if no case condition matches, so they can be used to cover all other case conditions that are not explicitly specified. Their inclusion in a case statement must be considered carefully.

Defaults can be used to assign a value to a combinatorial signal to avoid latches from being inferred, however it is clearer to provide a default value at the beginning of an always_comb block (see above). This is because it is conventional to add a default at the end of a case statement, which obscures the effect of a default, possibly leading to bugs. For example:

// Assign a default at the top of the block.
always_comb begin
  next_state = state_q;
  unique case(state_q)
    STATE_A: next_state = STATE_B;
    STATE_B: next_state = STATE_C;
    STATE_Z: next_state = STATE_A;
    // No need for a default here.

If a condition were to be added around the above case statement, the default value assignment of next_state would remain at the top of the block. On the other hand, if the default value assignment were done in a default of the case, and not moved out, a latch would be inferred.

Defaults can be used to trap unexpected case values. However, by specifying unique or priority, unexpected case values will cause either of the no-matching-condition or multiple-conditions matching violation checks to fire. For example, with a one-hot case select, it is not necessary to add a default: $error(...); case condition to trap values that are not one hot.

There is no priority0 case statement qualifier, so it is reasonable to include an empty default with a priority case to disable the no-matching-condition violation check, similarly to unique case. However, it is more conventional to use an if-else-if to implement a priority encoder. Example of a case-based priority encoder:

priority case (cond)
  VALUE_A: ...
  VALUE_B: ...
  VALUE_C: ...
  default: ; // Use an empty default with priority when there are no matching
             // conditions, but could the case equally be written with an
             // if-then-if statement?

Empty defaults might also be used to plug coverage holes. This can occur when the coverage tool expects to see all input combinations and does not understand when these are prevented by design, eg with one-hot encoding. Adding an empty default may plug this coverage hole, however doing this will typically change the synthesis results because it implies an additional decode/control signal to select the default block, which is probably not what the designer intended. In such a situation, designers should add coverage waivers where a lack of a default case creates a coverage hole rather than changing the RTL to add an empty default case.

// Since the case is unique, the empty default is not necessary and will be
// dead code, and may change the synthesis results.
unique case (four_bit_one_hot_select)
  4'b0001: output = i_a;
  4'b0010: output = i_b;
  4'b0100: output = i_c;
  4'b1000: output = i_d;
  default: ; // This default is not necessary if the case conditions are
             // activated every cycle.

Use unique case (1'b1) for one-hot conditions. For example, a one-hot multiplexer can be written:

module m_one_hot_mux3 (
    input  logic       i_a,
    input  logic       i_b,
    input  logic       i_c,
    input  logic [2:0] i_sel,
    output logic       o_out

  always_comb begin
    unique case (1'b1)
      i_sel[0]: o_out = i_a;
      i_sel[1]: o_out = i_b;
      i_sel[2]: o_out = i_c;

As an aside, it is convenient to define a one-hot encoding in a union type with another struct to provide named access to each member. For example, status_q above could be redefined as:

typedef enum logic [2:0] {
  STATUS_START = 3'b001,
  STATUS_END   = 3'b010,
  STATUS_ERROR = 3'b100
} status_enum_t;

typedef union packed {
  status_enum_t u;
  struct packed {
    logic status_start;
    logic status_end;
    logic status_error;
  } ctrl;
} status_t;

status_t status_q;

Bear in mind however that this union introduces potential for the control structure to correspond incorrectly with the enumeration, which may introduce bugs into the design.

Minimise the amount of logic inside a case statement. The rationale for this is similar to extracting logic from always_comb blocks into assign statements where possible: to make the control flow structure clearer to the designer and tooling, and to provide opportunities for reuse or further simplification. For example, avoid nesting case statements:

status_t status_q;
status_t next_status;
logic [3:0] mode_q;

always_comb begin
  next_status = state_q;
  unique case(1'b1)
      unique0 case (mode) inside
        4'b0?00: next_status = STATUS_ERROR;
        default: next_status = STATUS_END;
    status_q.ctrl.status_end: ...;
    status_q.ctrl.status_error: ...;

And instead extract a nested case into a separate process, providing a result signal to use in the parent case:

status_t status_q;
status_t next_status;
status_t start_next_status;
logic [3:0] mode_q;

always_comb begin
  start_next_status = state_q;
  case (mode_q) inside
    4'b0?00: start_next_status = STATUS_ERROR;
    default: start_next_status = STATUS_END;

always_comb begin
  unique case(1'b1)
    status_q.ctrl.status_start: next_status = start_next_status;
    status_q.ctrl.status_end: ...;
    status_q.ctrl.status_error: ...;

Although this example seems simple, the case-based logic driving a state machine can quickly become complicated.

Use case inside for matching with don’t cares. For example:

localparam p_done  = 4'd0,
           p_init  = 4'd1,
           p_end   = 4'd2,
           p_error = 4'd3;

logic [2:0] status;
logic [3:0] next_state;

always_comb begin
  priority case (status) inside
    3'b00?: next_state = p_done;
    3'b01?: next_state = p_init;
    3'b1?0: next_state = p_end;
    3'b1?1: next_state = p_error;

Unless matching upon 'bX or 'bZ is genuinely required, then casex or casez should not be used. Instead, the case inside construct should be used to indicate don’t-care bits in the case select as per the previous example.


Make operator associativity explicit. This is to avoid any ambiguity over the ordering of operators. In particular, always bracket the condition of a ternary/conditional expression (?:), especially if you are nesting them, since they associate left to right, and all other arithmetic and logical operators associate right to left.

... = (a && b) ||
      (c && d)
... = |(a[7:0] & b[7:0])
... = valid && (|a[3:0])
... = (a == b) ? c : d
... = cond_a              ? e1 :
      (cond_b && !cond_c) ? e2 :
... = !(a[1:0] inside {2'b00, 2'b01}) &&

Make expression bit lengths explicit. Although the SystemVerilog specification provides rules for the extension of operands as inputs to binary operations and assignments, these are complicated and not always obvious. In particular, the extension is determined either by the operands or by the context of the expression. Since there may be inconsistencies between tools, particularly between simulation and synthesis, explicitly specifying expression bit widths avoids these issues and makes the intent obvious. For example, pad the result of a narrower expression for assignment:

logic [31:0] result;
logic [7:0] op1, op2;
assign result = {24'b0, {op1 & op2}};

Use an explicit type cast to specify the width of an intermediate expression (note that integer literals are interpreted as 32-bit integers):

always_ff @(posedge i_clk or posedge i_rst)
  value_q <= i_rst ? value_t'(42) : value;

Special care should be taken with sub expressions, since their result length is determined automatically by the width of the largest operand. For example, without an explicit type cast to a 17-bit result around a + b, the carry out bit would be lost:

logic [15:0] result, a b;
typedef logic [16:0] sum_t;
assign result = sum_t'(a + b) >> 1;

Capture carry out bits (even if they are unused) so the left-hand-side assignment width matches the full width of the right hand side. Using a prefix like unused_ makes the process of signing off any related warnings with the downstream synthesis and physical build simpler:

assign {unused_co, result} = a + b;

Exceptions to this rule can be made for the common constants 0, 1 and -1 to be specified as integer literals, for example:

assign result = 0;
assign sum = value - 1;

Use signed types for signed arithmetic, and avoid implementing signed arithmetic with manual sign extensions. SystemVerilog uses the signedness of an expression to determine how to extend its width (as well as inferring signedness of parent expressions). Since the rules for sign determination is similar to expression size but not the same, making it explicit avoids errors. It also facilitates the use of optimised arithmetic implementations in synthesis, particularly with multipliers. The following example (adapted from this presentation) shows how these rules can be confusing:

logic signed [3:0] a, b;
logic signed [4:0] sum;
logic ci;
sum = a + b + ci; // Unsigned addition due to unsigned ci.
sum = a + b + signed'(ci); // Signed addition, but ci == 1'b1 will be
                           // sign extended to 4'b1111 or -1.
sum = a + b + signed'({1'b0, ci}); // Safe sign extension.

Note that an operation is only considered signed if all of the operands are signed, and that literal values can be specified as signed, for example: 2'sb11 is -1 in 2 bits.

Avoid splitting arithmetic between statements or modules. This facilitates optimisation during synthesis, for example, to choose or generate an optimised adder implementation for the given set of operands and carry ins/outs. Instead of:

logic [3:0] a, b, c;
logic [4:0] int_sum, sum;
int_sum = a + b;
{unused_co, sum} = int_sum + {1'b0, c};

All of the arithmetic contributing to sum can be written in a single expression:

{unused_co, sum} = a + b + c;

Do not mix bitwise and logical operator in the same expression. There are different precedence rules for the types, so the behaviour may not be what is expected. Instead, break up the expression to make it explicit what the intended behaviour is.


Avoid magic numbers. All numeric constants, with the exception of zero and one (for incrementing) should be defined symbolically. All assignment to constants must be sized correctly to avoid width-mismatch warnings that must be signed off later in the flow.

Constants should be declared inside packages. Derived constants with a meaning specific to a module should be defined in the appropriate scope of the module.

Constants assigned to an enum port must be of the same enum type. Not doing so relies on an implicit conversion, which can have inconsistent behaviour between tools. Assign an enum value directly, or by using a static cast. For example:

package m_foo_pkg;
  typedef logic [1:0] {
    A, B, C, D
  } enum_t;

module m_foo (
  input m_foo_pkg::enum_t in,

module m_bar (...);
  m_foo u_foo (
    // Tie the input to a constant value using the enum type, rather than
    // via a value of any other type.

Be explicit when assigning values to nets and variables. For example:

logic [127:0] data_a;

// Explicitly 32 bits wide, decimal 0 assigment.
assign data_a = 128'd0;

// Explicitly 32 bits wide, binary 0 assignment.
assign data_a = 128'b0;

// Avoid.
assign data_a = 'd5;

// A user-defined type.
foo_pkg::bar data_b;

// An implicit cast is acceptable.
assign data_b = 'd5;

// But an explicit one is best.
assign data_b = foo_pkg::bar'(5);

With the exception of '0, unsized literal single-bit values (unsigned and without a radix) in assignments should not be used in combinatorial logic, since they can be misinterpreted. They appear similar to explicit assignments with a radix, yet represent very different values. For example, '1 looks similar to 'd1 but encodes the value $2^n - 1$ where $n$ is the width of the variable being assigned to.

logic [15:0] data;

// Sets data to 16'hFFFF, not 16'h0001.
assign data = '1;

// Clearer and harder to misinterpret.
assign data = 16'hFFFF;

// The replication operator should be used to set all bits to a value.
assign data = { 16 {1'b1} }; // Equivalent to above assigment

// Acceptable since repeated zeroes are still zero.
assign data = '0;
assign data = 16'h0; // Equivalent

X values

Assignment of X values as don’t care values should be avoided. This is for similar reasons for not using non-reset registers, which can lead to simulation-versus-synthesis mismatches, potentially obscuring bugs. However, if it can be demonstrated that use of X values can provide better QoR in the physical build of a block, specific and limited use of X values can be justified.


Clear and consistent naming is important for a design to be easily understood and maintainability by a designer, but naming must facilitate easy manipulation by various tools in the RTL and physical design flows.

During RTL debug, names should allow simple sorting and searching in a wave viewer. By using common prefixes for related signals, sorting will place them together. Similarly, common substrings are useful to filter a subset of signals over, for example to select a set of registers or similar signals different in pipeline stages.

Throughout the physical design flows, names must allow sensible flattening. It is typical for synthesis to flatten the hierarchical structure and consequently symbol names are derived from their place in the module hierarchy. A suitable naming scheme really only requires consistency across a design. As an example, a flip-flop clock pin might be named u_toplevel_u_submodule_p0_signal_q_reg_17_/CK corresponding to the register u_toplevel/u_submodule/p0_signal_q[17].

Names should be meaningful, whilst avoiding excessive verbosity. For example, n3 should be avoided as it lacks meaning whereas floating_point_opcode_bus is excessively long. fp_opcode is a reasonable compromise.

Avoid using C/C++/Verilog/SystemVerilog/VHDL keywords as names. Even if they are not reserved names in the language being used in that file. For example: auto, unsigned, task, register or asm.

All names must be all lower case and underscore separated. For example:

module m_cpu;
module m_cpu_pkg;
logic unused_co
logic p3_ctrl
logic p4_prod_q
begin : ecc_encode

Prefixes and suffixes

Name prefixes are generally used to indicate object types (such as module instances, flip flops, ports etc), and suffixes are generally used to convey semantic information. A good standard set of prefixes and suffixes are enumerated below:

Prefix Usage
i_ Input port
o_ Output port
io_ Bidirecitonal (inout) port
u_ Module instance
m_ Module definition
p_ Parameter/localparam
g_ Generate block
[a-z][0-9]_ Pipeline stage
unused_ Unused signal for lint signoff
Suffix Usage
_clk Clock signal
_gclk Gated clock signal
_rst Reset signal
_q Signal driven from a flip flop
_n Active-low signal
_t Type via a typedef
_pkg Package
_if Interface

Where signals are both active-low and require a suffix from elsewhere in the table, the _n suffix should be appended without an extra underscore. For example, _q becomes _qn for an active-low flop output, and _clk becomes _clkn for an inverted clock.

The following code example shows appropriate usage of the above prefix and suffix guidelines:

module m_ctrl_fsm (
  input logic         i_clk,
  input logic         i_rst,
  input logic         i_ready,
  input logic         i_done,
  output logic [2:0]  o_control

  typedef enum logic [2:0] {
    IDLE = 3'b000,
    LOAD = 3'b110,
    DONE = 3'b001
  } state_t;

  state_t state_q;
  state_t next;

  assign o_control = state_q;

  always_ff @(posedge i_clk or posedge i_rst) begin
    if (i_rst) begin
      state_q <= IDLE;
    end else begin
      state_q <= next;

  always_comb begin
    unique case (state_q)
      IDLE: if (i_ready) next = LOAD;
            else         next = IDLE;
      LOAD: if (i_done)  next = DONE;
            else         next = LOAD;
      DONE:              next = IDLE;


Another example illustrates the use of the pipeline prefix, using e to denote an external signal and p an internal one:

module m_mempipe (
  input  logic        i_clk,
  input  logic        i_rst,
  input  logic        i_e1_valid,
  input  logic [18:2] i_e1_addr,
  output logic [31:0] o_e2_data
  logic        p2_valid_q;
  logic [31:0] p2_data;
  logic [31:0] p3_data_q;

  always_ff @(posedge i_clk or posedge i_rst) begin
    if (i_rst) begin
      p3_data_q <= 32'h00000000;
    end else if (e2_valid_q) begin
      p3_data_q <= p2_data;

  assign o_e2_data = p3_data_q;


Signal naming

A strict approach to signal naming should be taken to make it easier to understand and navigate a design:

To make clear their relationship to the structure of a module. Prefixes and suffices can denote, for example, whether a signal is an input or output, the pipeline stage it corresponds to and whether it is driven by logic or directly from a flip-flop. The exact naming convention will be tailored to a project, but here are some examples:

i_p0_operand     // Input into pipeline stage 0.
p1_state         // A current state of a state machine.
p1_state_ns      // The next state.
state_clk        // A clock signal.
m1_sum_co_unused // An unused carryout bit from an addition.
m2_result_ff     // A registered result, driven by a flip-flop.
o_x4_state       // An output signal driven from stage x4.

To allow simple sorting and searching in wave viewer. By using common prefixes for related signals, sorting will place them together. Similarly, common substrings are useful to filter a subset of signals over, for example to select a set of registers or similar signals different in pipeline stages.

To be flattened sensibly by downstream tools. It is typical for synthesis to flatten the hierarchical structure of a SystemVerilog design. Consequently symbols names are derived from their place in the module hierarchy. A suitable naming scheme really only requires consistency across a design. As an example, a flip-flop clock pin might be named u_toplevel_u_submodule_p0_signal_q_reg_17_/CK corresponding to the register u_toplevel/u_submodule/p0_signal_q[17].

Generate block naming

All scopes of a generate block should be named. This avoids automatically-assigned names being created by the elaboration tool, making it hard to understand the structure of the code. This applies to branches of conditional and loop statements. For example, with named conditions:

module m_gen_cond #(
    parameter p_gen_diff = 0)();
  logic gen_op0;
  logic gen_op1;
  logic gen_op2;
    if (p_gen_diff == 1) begin
      assign gen_op0 = 1'b1;
    end else begin
      assign gen_op0 = 1'b0;
    if (p_gen_diff == 1) begin
      assign gen_op1 = 1'b1;
    end else begin
      assign gen_op1 = 1'b0;
    if (p_gen_diff == 1) begin : g_eq_1
      assign gen_op2 = 1'b1;
    end else begin : g_eq_0
      assign gen_op2 = 1'b0;

In the resulting hierarchy, the first two conditionals are not easily distinguishable, nor are the branches that are chosen:


With named loops, a similar situation arises:

module m_gen_loop #(
    parameter p_gen_diff = 0)();
  logic [2:0] gen_op0;
  logic [2:0] gen_op1;
  logic [2:0] gen_op2;
    for (genvar i=0; i<3; i++) begin
      assign gen_op0[i] = 1'b0;
    for (genvar i=0; i<3; i++) begin
      assign gen_op1[i] = 1'b0;
    for (genvar i=0; i<3; i++) begin : g_loop
      assign gen_op2[i] = 1'b0;

In the resulting hierarchy, there is no correspondence to the blocks assigning to gen_op0 or gen_op1, indeed these could be switched with no visibility in the hierarchy:


Using a g_ prefix for named generate blocks, clearly distinguishes with instantiations of modules, for example:

module m_foo (
  m_child u_child (...);
    for (genvar i-0; i < 3; i++) begin : g_loop

Has the hierarchy:


Code structure


Place parameters and variables at the top of their containing scope. Nets/variables/parameters should be declared in the minimum scope in which they will be used to avoid polluting namespaces. For example, nets global to a module should be declared at the top of the module for use in the code that follows.

Separate combinatorial and sequential nets. Declarations of combinatorial and sequential nets should be separated into different sections for clarity. This allows the flip-flops in the design to be seen clearly providing a feel for the size and complexity of the block. The following ripple-carry adder with registered outputs illustrates this kind of structuring:

module m_rca
  #(parameter p_width = 8)
  ( input  logic               i_clk,
    input  logic               i_rst,
    input  logic [p_width-1:0] i_op1,
    input  logic [p_width-1:0] i_op2,
    output logic               o_co,
    output logic [p_width-1:0] o_sum );

  // Wires.
  logic [p_width-1:0] carry;
  // Registers.
  logic [p_width-1:0] sum_q;
  logic               co_q;
  // Variables.
  genvar              i;

  assign carry[0] = 1'b0;
  assign {o_co, o_sum} = {co_q, sum_q};

  // Named generate block for per-bit continuous assignments.
  for (i = 0; i < p_width; i = i + 1) begin: bit
    assign {carry[i+1], sum[i]} = i_op1[i] + i_op2[i] + carry[i];

  always_ff @(posedge i_clk or posedge i_rst) begin
    if (i_rst) begin
      sum_q <= {p_width{1'b0}};
      co_q  <= 1'b0;
    end else begin
      sum_q <= sum;
      co_q  <= carry[p_width-1];


Use .* and .name() syntax in some circumstances to simplify port lists in module instantiations. Doing so can reduce the amount of boilerplate code and thus the scope for typing or copy-paste errors. The wildcard .* also provides additional checks:3

  • It requires all nets be connected.
  • It requires all nets to be the same size.
  • It prevents implicit nets from being inferred.

Named connections with .name() can be used with wildcards to add specific exceptions, such as when names do not match or for unconnected or tied-off ports. For example:

module foo (input logic i_clk,
            input logic i_rst,
            input logic in,
            output logic out);

u_module foo (.*,

Bear in mind that implicit hookups with wildcards may obscure module connectivity when navigating source code during debug. It is up to the designer to make the right tradeoff. Specific examples of where wildcard hookups are useful are in wrapper modules and testbenches.

Avoid logic in module instantiations. By instantiating a module with a set of named signals, mapping one-to-one with ports, it is easier to inspect the port hookups and the widths of the signals for correctness. Not doing so obscures functionality in the design.

In parameter lists, separate parameters that are intended to be set externally from secondary parameters that are only used internally. There is no way to prevent some parameters being set externally, ie with localparam, so a comment can be used to do this, for example:

module m_rf
  p_entry_width = 32,
  p_num_entries = 64,
  // Internal parameter(s) - do not set.
  p_idx_width = $clog2(p_num_entries-1))
( ...,
  input logic [p_entry_width-1:0] wr_data,
  input logic [p_idx_width-1:0] wr_idx,
  input logic wr_en,

Name scopes that contain local variables. For similar reasons to the naming of generate blocks, if a variable is declared in a local scope, that scope must be named. It may be useful to introduce named local scopes to separate a large module into sections. For example:

begin : p0
begin : p1

Any unused or dangling signals/ports within a block must be terminated with a signal prefixed with unused_. These signals can be AND-reduced to make a single-bit signal. The AND-reduction with constant zeros guarantees the result is always zero, so it can be safely optimised away. For example:

logic _unused_ok = &{1'b0,
                     sig_not_used_yet_b // To be fixed


Define packages to share definitions (types, constants, tasks, functions etc) between multiple modules or IPs.

Qualify types, constants, tasks or functions with their package name and avoid * imports. This resolves any potential ambiguity in the providence of symbols to the designer and avoids polluting the current scope with all names defined by the package. For example:

// Avoid
import m_core_pkg::*;

// Prefer


Assertions should be written in a separate file that is bound in to the appropriate scope. Verification tests must be written to specifically ensure that the assertions are present in simulation.

Assertion files must be named after the block they apply to, with an suffix. Where assertions have been split into different groups to allow use in gate-level simulations (or other environments), the file name may have a, or suffix as appropriate.


In general, it should be possible to avoid any preprocessing of code. Other built-in language structures such as parameters and generate statements should be used instead. Don’t use local define statements in modules unless absolutely necessary, use localparam instead of define:

// Avoid
`define CONSTANT 1

// Prefer
localparam p_constant = 1;

This is because SystemVerilog macro definitions are not scoped within a module, which can easily lead to them ‘leaking’ between files in a filelist, making the elaboration dependent on the ordering of the list.

For similar reasons, use generate-if blocks instead of ifdef.

// Avoid
`ifdef FLAG

// Prefer
  if (p_flag) begin

If a local define is unavoidable, then a corresponding undef must be included before the end of the file. This is to avoid macro definitions polluting the global namespace.



// End of the file or use of LOCAL_DEFINE


Rules for formatting are not mandated so to provide some flexibility to designer’s own tastes and the inevitable exceptions to rules. Above all, the most important issue with formatting is to maintain consistency within a logical part of the design.

Use spaces instead of tabs, consistent with the accepted approach in other programming languages for compatibility with version control and editors etc.

Split long lines or complex expressions with continuations or across statements. Apply indent as appropriate for clarity. In this context, ‘long’ is a reasonable value chosen by the author, but typically between 80 and 120 characters.

Use begin and end to wrap if/else, always_ff and always_comb blocks. This adds consistency to the code and can help to prevent statements from unintentionally being excluded from a block. Only use begin and end in case alternatives when they contain multiple statements.


SystemVerilog is a large language with many features supporting different purposes. It is used as a standard in hardware design but its specification does not define a synthesizable subset. Although there is a general consensus on which features can be used for synthesis, the fine details are determined by the particular EDA tooling flow used by a design team. SystemVerilog is consequently used in a conservative way for specifying synthesizable designs. The rules and rationale given in this note outline some of the important aspects of a coding style for hardware design. There are many more details of SystemVerilog’s features that are relevant; the references below are a good place to find out more.

References/further reading

  • IEEE Standard for SystemVerilog (IEEE 1800-2012 and 1800-2017).

  • Sutherland HDL papers on Verilog/SystemVerilog, in particular:

    • Stuart Sutherland and Don Mills, Standard gotchas subtleties in the Verilog and SystemVerilog standards that every engineer should know. SNUG 2006. (PDF)

    • Stuart Sutherland, A Proposal for a Standard Synthesizable SystemVerilog Subset. DVCon 2006. (PDF)

    • Stuart Sutherland and Don Mills, Synthesizing SystemVerilog: Busting the myth that SystemVerilog is only for verification, SNUG 2013. (PDF).

    • Stuart Sutherland and Don Mills, Can my synthesis compiler do that? What ASIC and FPGA synthesis compilers support in the SystemVerilog-2012 standard, DVCon 2014 (PDF).

    • Stuart Sutherland, I’m Still In Love With My X! (but, do I want my X to be an optimist, a pessimist, or eliminated?), DVCon 2013, (PDF).

  • Clifford E. Cummings and Don Mills. Synchronous Resets? Asynchronous Resets? I am so confused! How will I ever know which to use? (PDF.

  • SystemVerilog’s priority & unique - A Solution to Verilog’s “full_case” & “parallel_case” Evil Twins!, Clifford E. Cummings, SNUG 2005 (PDF).

  • lowRISC Verilog style guide.

  • Verilog HDL Coding, Semiconductor Reuse Standard, Freescale Semiconductor (PDF).

  • Complex Digital Systems, Synthesis, MIT OCW, 2005 (presentation slides, (PDF).

  • Datapath Synthesis for Standard-Cell Design, Reto Zimmermann, 2009 (PDF).

  • Getting the Most from Synthesis to Improve your Datapath QoR, Reto Zimmermann, Principal R&D Engineer, DesignWare IP (PDF).

  1. More details on these types is given here and here

  2. With one exception of memory structures that require initialisation via an external hierarchical reference. If the memory array is written by an always_ block, the memory cannot be driven by another process. Support for $deposit is patchy in tooling, so this cannot always be relied on. 

  3. See Section 7 of ‘Synthesizing SystemVerilog: Busting the Myth that SystemVerilog is only for Verification (linked in the references).